Raising a large second charge loan against high-net worth property to clear a business loan

large second charge loan landscape image

Gross Loan Amount:


Property Value:



Second Charge

Initial Circumstances

A new client approached MFS after hearing about our speed and service. The client needed an urgent second charge bridging loan. They had an outstanding company loan that needed closing before the end of their financial year, at the end of June. To cover the difference, the client was looking to secure second charge bridging against a residential property to raise the funds they needed.


MFS Solutions

The property was an unusual high-net worth asset – a large manor house situated in the heart of Surrey. We felt confident in the client, and their business, and so were able to approve the supply of the loan.

The client intends to exit the loan through profit of the business. Whilst other lenders may consider this too much of a risk, we took an overall view on both the asset and the client. Due to their strong business, and background high-net worth assets, we issued the loan on both merits and tailored a loan to suit their financial needs.

Due to our good relationship with our panels, a valuer arrived the following day to conduct the valuation. We received figures within three days and instructed lawyers immediately, wasting no time.

Our underwriter worked alongside our solicitors to ensure all elements were complete and finalised prior to the deadline.


The Benefits

This client was new to bridging, so our underwriter worked closely with them to make sure they were clear about the process and what was happening at each stage.

The client was extremely happy with our speed, professionalism, and ability to lend when others couldn’t. We were able to deliver funds just 5 days from the initial enquiry.

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